ok so this is a BIG post of photos from our last outing to the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. In short it's a race to the top of Pikes Peak against the clock and to see who can do it the quickest! This year was our first time doing something like this but the race has been going on for 86 years strong! People from all over the world come to race their car or whatever here. We saw everything from 4-wheelers to semi-trucks race to the top! It was a wonderfully FUN day and can't wait till next year. Some of the cars are built specifically for this one race and this one race only, they will build a race car for this Pikes Peaks race alone!
The mountain opens for spectators between 4am and 8am and then the race starts at 9am, and the NOISE begins! It was SO SO loud when the first car came past us....my knees were shaking and Natalie literally FREAKED out, and from there on the rest of the day she enjoyed the day because we covered her ears as she watched the cars go by. I took a LOT of pictures because there were so many different types of races going up the mountain. The "track" or road to the top is not all paved, it starts on pavement and then turns into dirt and then back to pavement and then back to dirt to the top. We walked about a mile and a half and then "parked" for the day under a shade tree. enjoy the pictures and if you want more info check out the website at www.ppihc.com
natalie's 1st car race!

the guy in the back is called the monkey because he hangs off the bike to counter-balance the bike on the turns!

there was a cop clocking racers with his radar gun and this 4-wheeler was going around this turn at 94 mph!
(the cops were having a really fun with their radar guns)
again CRAZY!

motor bikes

semi-trucks got their turn too.

beautiful views!

snuggles in her sun hat.

this guy was actually sliding past me around this turn!
glad I was on the inside turn!

this dude was SO loud!

twin turbo.


vintage Oldsmobile 300

this Suzuki XL7 holds the fastest time!
they come every year from Japan to race!

this too was an extremely loud cobra!

the starting line

here we are with cooler in hand and 2 lawn chairs

pikes peak highway

this too was stupid loud!

Subaru twin turbo!
just like in Grand Turismo! (Sony playstation)