Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ok so we are officially starting a blog or online journal( is what i like to call it) since our first baby is now here!  We figured it would be an easy way to keep in touch with new pictures since that will be what gets posted most of the time.  We hope this works we will just have to see!  So today We brought home our little Natalie and boy she really loves her new room!


LaVonna said...

Well, may I be the first to make some comments?
First of all, with both parents being very gifted, I just know that Miss Natalie will be under the best of care. What a fortunate little lady she is!
Secondly, I love the photos of our newest addition to the Betz family!
Now you two must get skype so we can see her in action!
God bless the three of you!
Mom Betz

Aunt Kathie said...

We were able to share pictures with gr-grandma B last night as we gathered to celebrate Casey and Marcus's b'days. She was thrilled to be able to see them. What a neat b'day present for you Jon. She is so precious and such big eyes! Welcome to the family little Natalie! take care....:)
Aunt Kathie & Uncle Calvin

jn said...

What a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations!


John & Nicole Cooper

Vivalaflav said...

First of all, congratulations.
Beautiful baby girls, and incredible pictures!