Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tyler at 5 weeks old...

Okay, okay, so Tyler is now EIGHT weeks old, but here are the 5 week old pictures we did last month...Life is more than a little crazy and sleep-deprived, so we appreciate patience as we get some updates to our faithful following!


tiny fingers...

tiny toes...

a baby's life is exhausting!

"What you talkin' 'bout?"

One of my favorites!

Natalie's "gentle hand" with Baby Bro Tyler...


Brenda Royal said...

I've been waiting for the holiday pictures! It's so nice to see everyone together. Love to all, Brenda.

CDS said...

those eyes are amazing. what a handsome boy!

Josh, Koren and KK said...

So excited to see photos of Tyler where he has grown and it's not just newborn face. He is so cute! Thanks for the update guys I know it's tough. Hang in there.