Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tyler at 6 months

Mr. T is now approaching 7 months, so no better time than to get the 6 month portraits posted for you! He's doing great with is t...not without topples, but his recovery on his own is great. He still love being on his tummy more than anything, and flips himself there all the time. He grabs EVERYTHING and just graduated to the high chair for meals! This means that big sis Natalie is now at the big table in a booster seat. As a side note, you might not be able to see it in the pictures, but Tyler has earned the nickname "Rockhopper" (after the penguin) for two, he LOVES bouncing and jumping and two, he has these two tufts of really long hair that stick out from behind his ears. It's super cute and just like the penguin!



CDS said...

His eyes are amazing!! :) What a sweetie! xo

LaVonna said...

Wow! You guys...He is so cute! I want to just hug him...miss you all. I agree with's those eyes! Mom

Jenny Betz said...

Wow! What a cutie! These turned out great!

Pokatink said...

Looks like you got a happy kid on your hands!!