Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tyler at 7 months

So, back in JUNE (forget that it's almost September...), Tyler was 7 months old. He's just such a happy guy (unless he's hungry!). We did a fun mini-hike in Cheyenne Canyon and took some 7-month portraits in the canyon. It was a great night, and by the end, just like most kids, Tyler was asleep in the carrier. I just love how babies become dead weight when you're carrying them...

Enjoy some favorites of Tyler and our hike and also my favorite updated siblings pic...

This one is awesome because it shows you why he's our "Rockhopper"...if you know what the penguin looks like, you'll see the resemblance with those long tufts of hair that stick out from behind his ears!

1 comment:

CDS said...

Those are great pictures! Check out our progress... www.flaroom.blogspot.com xoxo