Saturday, August 9, 2008

Natalie at 3 Months

Snugglebug is such a trooper!  We did her 3 month pictures after that long day at the Pikes Peak Hill Climb!  Yeah, we were probably a little crazy for expecting her to take great photos, and you'll see her letting us know we were crazy, but she also took some AMAZING and super cute pictures!  I posted lots since I just couldn't narrow down my favorites very much...I am a very proud mother!!  Enjoy!

I have lots of smiles these days!
See...told you!
Look at me holding my head up!  And it's been a REALLY long day!
Okay, I guess I can hold my head up AND smile for you...
(this is definitely a top favorite of mom's!)

Small, but growing feet...I hit 9 lbs at the end of July!
Don't you know it's been a long day?!?!
Okay.  I can pose a little more...

Ok...seriously, guys...enough is enough!!

Aren't we done yet??
at last...take as many as you want...just let me sleep!
little angel...


Josh, Koren and KK said...

I love them all but the sleeping ones may be my favorite!!

Josh, Koren and KK said...

or wait no maybe the 2nd one of her laying on her side and smiling lol