Saturday, June 27, 2009


We flew down to Tucson, AZ to spend a week with Mike, Pam, Grandma Bobbie, & Papa Ed. It was a great trip! The trip began with helping Mike & Pam move from their condo into a beautiful home and then had lots of time for great sight-seeing! Lots of great memories and great to see the family down there. That dry heat actually wasn't as bad as I thought it might be either! Mike & Pam watched Natalie the evening that we did our sunset drive through Saguaro National Park, and when we returned, they told us that Natalie had walked up to Mike and said, "Pop-Pop bup" (meaning "Grandpa, pick me up!"). That's a favorite story from our trip...Lots of great pics, so enjoy!

-L & J

Cool clouds while up in the plane...

Descending into Tucson...

Natalie helps pick a lemon off the tree at Mike & Pam's condo...

Natalie with Grandma Bobbie & Papa Ed (her great-grandparents)

Visit to Old Tucson Studios...Hollywood's 1890s set for over 70 movies from the 1930s-1990s, including "Tombstone," "3 Amigos," and tons of John Wayne flicks.

Natalie with "Pop-Pop" (her name for grandpa)...

I was selected to be the volunteer for the "Medicine Man's" sales speech...I got to shoot a gun (kinda) and did a free root beer from being up on the stage...tasted great on a hot day!

Natalie poses on a famous Hollywood train...

Enjoying some of Mom's ice cream...

Desert Museum (the highlight of our trip!)...This place is 90% outdoors and complete with a zoo section, cave, and tons of great spaces highlighting the desert flora. We loved it!

Natalie "excavates" while in the cave...

Pima Air & Space Museum...

Smallest bi-plane...

1960s Air Force One...

Natalie looks through the microscope in the "Space" part of the museum...

Remember them?

Sunset drive in Saguaro National Park...

Colossal Cave (located in Vail, AZ). The inside of the cave is always 70 degrees...quite nice for summer in AZ!

View from the patio outside the cave entrance


Brenda Royal said...

Love the pictures. The desert photos are spectacular! Just beautiful. Little Buggy sure is growing up fast. I think it's wonderful you have a family blog to record your adventures. I really enjoy checking in to see what you're up to. Guess Nana and Aunt Julie will be headed your way before long. I'm sure you'll have a great time. Have to go for now. Hugs, Brenda.

Jenny Betz said...

Nice pics!! We just went to the air museum today but I know our pics didn't turn out this nice. I saw your name on the guest book too from 5/28/09.