Sunday, April 12, 2009

Egg Hunt 2009!

Natalie's first egg hunt! Yes...there is always joy in finding the easter bunny's eggs he left behind! Natalie did not need too much direction in what to do. She found all 6 eggs and put them in the basket in less than 7 minutes! You can't beat that for a first time egg hunt for an almost 1 year old! Kudos' to Natalie B'! She was so excited when she found the first one, then the third one came and so she decided to taste the egg and yes she had purple lips after that one. fun times.



Jenny Betz said...

Looks like she had a blast finding all the eggs. Hope you guys had a Great Easter!! See you soon.

Josh, Koren and KK said...

She is looking all grown up now! I can't wait for her and Katie to spend some time together in May. Natalie looks like she is getting pretty good on her feet too.

Josh, Koren and KK said...

I still think your eggs look pretty cool, but the not refrigerating them thing is pretty dumb. I was tempted to buy a different kit but I bought the 99 cent one to save money. :) I just love looking at these pictures again. What a cheesy Jon smile!